Results for Alma


Alma is a latin girl name. Meaning “soul”.


Bartholomew is an English boy name. Meaning “son of Talmai“.

From the Greek name Bartholomaios.


Dalma is an Hungarian girl name.

This name was created by the Hungarian poet Mihály Vörösmarty in the 19th century.

Moroccan baby names

Choosing a baby’s name is an important decision in any culture, but in Morocco, it has an even deeper meaning. Moroccan names often have religious, cultural or historical meaning, and reflect the family’s identity and values.

In this article, we will guide you through the fascinating world of Moroccan names. We will provide you with information about the different types of names, current trends and traditions surrounding choosing a name in Morocco. (more…)


Are you looking for an original and adorable name for your new black and white coated dog? Do not look any further! Oreo is the perfect name. Inspired by the famous cookie, this name is delicious, easy to remember and sure to make everyone smile. (more…)


Perdita is a latin pet name for female dog.

One of the stars in the Dinsey’s film “101 Dalmatians”.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names


Pongo is an unknown origin pet name for male dog.

One of the stars in the Dinsey’s film “101 Dalmatians”.

Categorized into: Fictional characters names


Salma is an Arabic girl name. Meaning “complete, safe”.

Short form of Salima.


Serene is an English yacht name. Meaning “calm”.

It is a ship owned by the Saudi Crown Prince, Mohamed bin Salman.


Talmai is an hebrew warship name. Meaning “abounding in furrows”.

Categorized into: biblical names