Results for Actual


Actual is an English business name for clothes shop. Meaning “present”.


Denver is an English boy name.

From the same surname. It means “Dane ford” in Old English.

Actually this is the name of the capital city of Colorado.


Grumpy Cat

Tardar Sauce, known as Grumpy Cat, was an internet-famous cat who rose to fame in 2012. She was known for her permanently grumpy facial expression, caused by a combination of prognathism and feline dwarfism. (more…)

Valoria B

Valoria is a Spanish yacht name.

Actual and second Amancio Ortega´s super luxury yacht, one of the richest men in the world and founder of the Inditex textile group.

This name is inspired by the town of Valoria la Buena (Valladolid – Spain), where his mother was born and carries the letter B for being his second ship with the same name.