Place names


Capri is an Italian girl name.

It is the name of Italian city.

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Chelsea is an english girl name. Meaning “chalk landing place“.

English name of a town.

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Chihuahua is a Native american business name for a Mexican restaurant.

Name of a Mexican state.

It´s a Tarahumara word that means “place next to two waters”. Derived from the terms “Chi” (place) and “hua” (water). The last term is repeated twice because the city is near to two rivers, Chuviscar and Sacramento.

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Cork is an English business name for an Irish pub.

Name of the second most populated city in Ireland.

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Daiquiri is a Spanish business name for a beach snack bar.

Cocktail made with lemon juice, rum and sugar.

The name of this drink comes from the district of Daiquirí, located in the Cuban municipality of El Caney.

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DF is a Spanish business name for a Mexican restaurant.

Short for “Federal District”. Sobriquet for Mexico DF.

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Dover is an English business name for English academy.

Name of a Bristish town.

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Dubai is an Arabic yacht name.

It is one of the most important cities in the United Arab Emirates. Its name derives from a word that means “money”.

It is a ship owned by Mohamed bin Rashid al Maktoum, emir of Dubai.

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Ekai is a Basque boy name.

Name of a two villages located in Navarre.

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Essex is a English whaling ship name.

Name of an American ship used for whaling that inspired the literary novel “Moby Dick”.

Essex is an English county located in the east of London.

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