Names for all


Rosa is a Spanish girl name. Meaning “rose“.

Rosa dei Venti

La Rosa dei Venti is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “compass rose”.

Name given to the compass star in which the four cardinal points are indicated: north, south, east and west.


Rosalba is an Italian girl name.

Combination of Rosa and Alba.


Rosalia is a Spanish girl name.

Ancient Roman festival with roses.


Rosaria is an Italian girl name.

Variant of Rosario.


Rosario is an unisex Spanish name. Meaning “rosary”.


Rose is an english girl name. Meaning “fame”.

Derived from the Germanic elements “hrod” (fame) and “heid” (kind).

Early time this name was associated with the flower rose.

Categorized into: flower names

Rose Pink

Rose Pink is an English pirate ship name.

This boat was captained by Edward Low.

He was one of the most bloodthirsty pirates of all time. He tortured their prisoners and burned their boats.


Rosebud is an English pet name for female dog.

She is a main character of the movie “Treasure Buddies” (Disney Studios).

Categorized into: Fictional characters names.


Roselia is a Latin girl name.

Variant of Rosalia.