Greek names


Nasya o Nasia is a girl name.

This has several possible origins and meanings.

In this article you can learn all the information about the name Nasya:

What does Nasya mean?


Neith is a Greek girl name.

Ancient Greek variant of Nit.


Nestor is a Greek boy name. Meaning “to return”

In Homer‘s Iliad this was the name of the king of Pylos,


Although it is not very common, Nica is a woman’s name that has been gaining popularity in recent years thanks to its sound and beautiful meaning.

Origin and meaning of the name Nica:


Nómos is a Greek business name for law firm. Meaning “law“.


Notus  is a Greek sailboat name.

Greek god of the south wind.

Categorized into Mythologic names


Nymph is a Greek yacht name.

Greek minor deity of eternal youth and great beauty.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Nyx or Nix is a Greek pet name for female dog.

Greek goddess of the night.

She was also known as Nikte and Nox by the Romans.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Odessa is an English girl name. Female form of Odysseus.

It is also the name of a Ukrainian city.

Categorized into: place names.


Odysseus is a Greek boy name

According to Greek mythology he was a popular heroe who fought in the Trojan War.

Homer wrote his adventures in the book the “Odyssey“.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.