English names


Magnolia is an English girl name.

Name of a flower. Name created by the French botanist Pierre Magnol.

Categorized into: flower names.


Main is an English yacht name. Meaning “principal”.

Name of the luxury boat of the fashion designer Giorgio Armani.


Maine is an English warship name.

Battleship of the United States Navy that was built with its twin Texas in response to the increase of naval forces in Latin America. It was famous for exploding by itself in the Port of Havana during the Cuban revolts against Spain (1898).Maine is one of the US states.

Maine is one of the US states.


Legend is an english sailboat name. Meaning “majestic, stately”.


Majesty is an english sailboat name. Meaning “majesty, sovereign”.

Make Smile!

Make Smile! is an English business name for a dental clinic.


Malvina is an English girl name. Meaning “smooth brow” in Gaelic.


Man is an english business name for clothes shop. Meaning “man, boy”.


Mandrake is an English sailboat name.

Name of a medicinal plant used in magical rituals.

Manicure House

Manicure House is an English business name for nail salon.