Boat names


Barbarroja is a Spanish sailboat name. Meaning “red beard”.

Nickname of a famous pirate.


Barden is a Norse Viking boat name. Meaning “bear”.

Name of the ship of Earl Eirik.

Categorized into: animal names.


Barlovento is a Spanish sailboat name. Meaning “windward“.


Baychimo is an English steam boat name.

This boat was built in Sweden in 1914 and was used in Alaska for trade and barter with Eskimos. After it was abandoned in 1931, several sailors have affirmed to have seen it over the seas. Certainly it is considered for a many people as a “ghost ship”.

Bel Amica

Bel Amica is an Italian Sailboat name.

It was a schooner that appeared in strange circumstances in the coast of Sardinia during 2006. The ship had no crew and had never been registered in any country. The press classified it as “ghost ship”.

Finally, it was a boat owned by a French citizen who not registered his boat to avoid taxes.

“Bel Amica” is an erroneous variant of the Italian expression “Bell’Amica”, which means “beautiful friend”.

Bella Vita

Bella Vita is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “beautiful life”.


Bellissima is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “gorgeous”.

Big blue

Big Blue is an english sailboat name. Meaning “big blue, sea, ocean”.


Bismarck is a German warship name.

Name inspired by Otto Von Bismarck, the father of modern Germany.

During the Second World War, it and his twin Tirpitz were the largest warships ever built by any European navy.

Black Pearl

Black Pearl is an English pirate ship name.

Ghost ship that appears in the film series “Pirates of the Caribbean”. It is characterized by being the fastest of the seas and has black sails .