Boat names

Molto Bene

Molto Bene is an Italian sailboat name. Meaning “very well”.


Monarca is a Spanish sailboat name. Meaning “Monarch“.


Monet is a French sailboat name.

Inspired by the French impressionist painter OscarClaude Monet.


Mozart is a German sailboat name.

Name inspired by the famous Austrian pianist and composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.


Mundus is a Latin sailboat name. Meaning “world”.


Musashi is a Japanese name warship name.

It (and Yamato) was the largest Japanese battleship during World War II.

Named in honor of the ancient Japanese province of Musashi.

My Way

My Way is an English yacht name.


Naglfar is a Norse Viking boat name.

According to Norse mythology was a ship made entirely of the nails of the dead people.

Categorized into: Mythologic names.


Nāhvalr is a Norse sailboat name. Meaning “narwhal“.

It derives from the Old Norse word “nāhvalr“, made up of the terms “nār” (corpse) and “hvalr” (whale). It literally means “whale carcass”.

It is believed to refer to the narwhal’s ability to float belly up as if dead and the mottled color of its skin that resembles the skin of a dead sailor.

Categorized into: animal names


Narwhal is an English sailboat name.

Marine mammal with a horn.

Categorized into: animal names.