Results for Oak


Aritz is a basque boy name. Meaning “oak”.

Categorized into: tree names


Dara is an Irish girl name. Meaning “oak tree”.

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Derwen is a Welsh boy name. Meaning “oak tree”.

Categorized into: tree names.

Eight names for carpentries and cabinetmakers


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Nara is a baby girl name. It can has two origins and meanings:

  1. It is a feminine Korean name. Meaning “country, nation”.
  2. It is a feminine Japanese name. Meaning “oak”.

Categorized into: tree names.


Oak is an English business name for a restaurant. Meaning “oak tree”.

Categorized into: tree names

Pub names

Bar names are very important to attract customers and convey the personality and style of your business. In this article, we are going to give you some classic and other original ideas to name your bar. We hope they inspire you and that you find the perfect name for your business. (more…)

Royal Oak

The Royal Oak is an English business name for pub.

This name commemorates the escape of King Charles II from the Parliamentarian forces in 1651. He hid in an oak tree in Boscobel Wood, Staffordshire, and later fled to France.

The oak tree became a symbol of royalism and many pubs adopted it as their sign.