Results for Henry


Arrigo is an Italian boy name.

Italian form of Henry.

Eight famous pirates names for boats

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Enric is a catalan boy name. Meaning “home ruler”.

Catalan form of Henry


Enrique is a spanish boy name. Meaning “home ruler”.

Spanish form of Henry


Fancy is an English pirate ship name.

This boat was captained by Henry “Long Ben” Every, he also was known as “Pirate King”.

This captain was very famous and feared and he managed to loot numerous ships.


Harry is an english boy name. Meaning “home ruler”.

English form of Henry

Nowadays, it’s used too as short form of Harold


Heiko is a German boy name.

Pet form of Heimrich.


Henriette is an english girl name. Meaning “home ruler”.

Feminine form of Henry


Henry is an English boy name. Meaning “home ruler”.

From the Germanic name Heimirich. It’s composed of the elements “heim” (home) and “ric” (power, ruler).

Henry Every

Henry Every or Avery is an English sailboat name.

Name of a seventeenth century English pirate. He was also known as Avary John, Ben Long and Benjamin Bridgeman.