Results for Aman


Aman is an arabic boy name. Meaning “god with us”.


Amand is a French boy name.

It comes from the Latin name Amandus (“worthy of love”).

Saint Amand was a 5th century French bishop.


Amanda is a latin girl name. Meaning “lover”.


Amandine is a French girl name.

French diminutive of Amanda.


Ekiñe is a Basque girl name. Meaning “maternity”.

It derives from the Basque word “ama” (mother) to which the feminine suffix -ne is added.


Dinosaur is commonly used as a unisex iguana name and is of English origin.

Ggrupo diverso de animales extintos que dominaron la Tierra durante la Era Mesozoica, que duró desde hace 252 millones de años hasta hace 66 millones de años. (more…)


Drizzle is an English yacht name.

Luxury boat that belonged to Amancio Ortega (founder of Inditex) and sold for 76 million euros.

Eight Mapuche names for babies

The Mapuche are an indigenous people living in southern Chile and Argentina. Their culture and language, Mapudungun, have a rich history and a deep connection to nature. Mapuche names reflect this worldview and often have meanings related to the sun, moon, stars, animals, plants or virtues. Here are eight Mapuche names for boys and girls, along with their meaning, pronunciation and some interesting facts. (more…)


Mariner of the Seas is an English cruise ship name. Meaning “sailor, seaman“.

Name of a ship owned by the company Royal Caribbean International.

Proyect 2024

Proyect 2024 is an English yacht name.

Luxury yacht of the founder of the Inditex Group, Amancio Ortega.